it's tagged photos

Benjamin Meyer's Personal Blog: 1-10 photos every day starting in 2006

In 2006 I got a MacBook that had a built in camera. I close the lid to my laptop several times a day so having it take a picture every time I opened the lid seemed like an interesting idea.

photograbber - Project Hosting on Google Code

This application makes it easy to download tagged pictures from Facebook. It only takes a few clicks!

Flickr: Flickr Twitter Beta

When you upload via email, the subject line will be taken as your Twitter tweet, and a special Flickr-y short URL to the photo will be appended.

Lawrence Harley

In the late '60's I worked for Bell Labs for a few years managing a data center and developing an ultra high speed information retrieval system. It was the days of beehive hair on the women and big mainframe computers. One day I took a camera to work and shot the pictures below. I had a great staff, mostly women except for the programmers who were all men. For some reason only one of them was around for the pictures that day.

Hitler cats!

A blog dedicated to cats that look like Hitler

Forward Looking Statements: allyoucanupload

allyoucanupload doesn't have a lot of things - no albums, no photo streams, no profile page, no comments, no friends. It was built to do one thing very well - store and serve images (images right now).


This is a piece of San Francisco healing around now-gone railroad tracks. (I like the Date/Month/Year sector, too)

peel on Flickr

I like all his different modes (belting it out, and concentrating on his licks)

tornado.jpg (JPEG Image, 960x640 pixels)

In the image on the left, you can see the professor engage his conjuring hand, to stupendous results!

Last Night's Party

all the people are laughing and they're having such fun, i wish it could happen to me

PhotoStamps: Home

over priced personalized stamps. might be good for postcards.