it's tagged javascript

Crockford on JavaScript: A Public Lecture Series at Yahoo!

Douglas Crockford is Yahoo!'s JavaScript architect and a member of the committee designing future versions of the world's most popular programming language. Over first three months of 2010, Douglas delivered his acclaimed series of lectures on the history of JavaScript, its features, and its use.

Fourier Transform in JavaScript

This page demonstrates the use of JavaScript to perform Fourier Transforms, and DHTML to produce graphs of functions

Animated sine wave in Javascript HTML5 « quantblog

I had a look around but most of the math animations are Java applets which I find a bit top heavy, and this should be doable in Javascript.

jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts

Learn how easy it is to apply web interaction using jQuery [On the fence on this one, since I am not a designer. But, I also do not know jQuery]

What is "this"? - How To Node

This article will describe lexical scope and the "this" variable and how to control them rather than be controlled by them when in coding JavaScript.

Documentation | Spritely

Spritely is a simple plugin with only two key methods, sprite() and pan() both of which simply animate the background-image css property of an element.


iProcessing is an open programming framework to help people develop native iPhone applications using the Processing language. It is an integration of the Processing.js library and a Javascript application framework for iPhone.


Sorta like a couch except smaller and outside, also, a client side JSON document store. Perfect for webkit mobile apps that need a lightweight, simple and elegant persistence solution.

Oliver's simple fluid dynamics simulator

Simple fluid dynamics simulator based on the navier-stokes equations.

ie6-upgrade-warning - Google Code

The ie6-upgrade-warning is a little script (7.9kb) that displays a warning message politely informing the user to upgrade the browser to a newer version (links to newest IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome are provided).


Parallax turns a selected element into a 'window', or viewport, and all its children into absolutely positioned layers that can be seen through the viewport. These layers move in response to the mouse, and, depending on their dimensions (and options for layer initialisation), they move by different amounts, in a parallaxy kind of way.

Gruppler's Effect Demos

Just click each box to play its animation! Fade, Disintegrate, Explode, Shear, Pinwheel!


Grab the stripes image to the right and slowly drag it over the other stripes layer below it...

Image tools for your website : Magic Toolbox

JavaScript and Flash tools to make your website look fantastic. Fast-loading. Cross-browser. Accessible. Compliant. Guaranteed (or your money back).

SoundManager 2: Javascript Sound for the Web

SoundManager 2 lets web developers load, play and control sounds via Javascript.

nihilogic: Javascript Super Mario Kart

This is a prototype of a Javascript Mario Kart-like racing game.

JavaScriptTemplates - trimpath - Google Code

For web application developers, the '''JavaScript Templates''' engine from TrimPath is a lightweight APL / GPL open-source component that lets you have template-based programming (like PHP/ASP/JSP) while running in a web browser.

Creating web sites for the Wii Opera browser

it allows you to register a wii.Wiimote as a listener which receives events whenever a button on the Wiimote is pressed (except for the Power and Home buttons).

chris erwin dot com - CRIR: Checkbox Radio Input Replacement

This will allow you to style the label however you wish using CSS, and the actual input control will be hidden. The form will still collect data as it normally would because the label itself will trigger the hidden input control.

A New Way of Tracking Users' Browsing Habits - techfoolery

It goes like this: when a link has been visited, you can use the :visited pseudo-class to style it. Using Javascript, you can walk through all of the links on your page and grab their styles.

JonDesign's Smooth SlideShow Library

this javascript slideshow system allows you to have a simple and smooth (cross-fading...) image slideshows

Flash MP3 Player

This Flash MP3 Player supports streaming playback, RSS/XSPF playlists, various playmodes, artworks, color/size customization and a javascript API

Javascript pagination in yer face

The attached javascript simply reacquires that you give it a css selector for the kind of item you want to paginate. In the example paragraph tags are paginated. Another argument suppies the number of items to show at a time.

Javascript Entry - Cody Lindley: JQuery To The Rescue

This self proclaimed “Fun” library just might fit the bill, and appropriately so! JQuery actually supplies a total event solution with the library. It deals with the age old issue (addevent();) of manipulating the DOM with multiple events only after t


Today is a holy day. Holy shit. BTW, this isn't about anything but Tweens who are into dance-monologues and coffee. And bad jokes.

Ajaxian » Really Easy Field Validation with Prototype

It lets you do the following with your form elements, using the class attribute to indicate what kind of validation is needed (assumes Prototype 1.5, included with 1.6.1):

Nifty Corners

css + javascript for nice corners