it's tagged for:benbrown

The Zombie of Montclaire Moors Sculpture - DB383020 - Design Toscano

Not for the faint of heart, Dickinson’s life-sized, gray-toned zombie will claw his way out of your garden plot or family room corner, pleading for assistance with the most lifelike eyes you’ve ever seen. [3 pieces, $89.]

You are watching Diary #1 Another Funny Video from Brad Neely on Super Deluxe

I'll be 30 next month, and I plan on living forever, but I'm leaving that up to science right now.

Apocalypse Soon - Portland Mercury

Campers who enroll in the Preemptive Post-Apocalyptic Camp can expect to actively learn and experience "urban camping" (kind of like being a bum, but better and smarter), break-in/foraging expeditions (such as to Urban Scout's own home), siphoning gas, du

tilde carl

take some time out of your day to read all of this (again) right now

notes: links for 2007-03-29

"In the style of Dooced, he was Deepleap'd." Deepleap as a verb! It lives on in our hearts.